“You’ve Got All This To Come…”

Just under three weeks ago, my wife and I became parents for the first time. The last twenty days have been a learning curve and an absolute pleasure getting to know little Beatrice!

The idea for starting this blog came about from the classic line in the title, passed down from veteran parent to expecting parent at every possible opportunity. Not only did I quickly tire of hearing it, I noticed that not once was anything positive coming my way apparently!

So, almost as an act of stubborness rather than a dedicated effort to chart our experiences, I was determined to look for all of the positive sides of parenting! I’m still not entirely sure which direction this blog will take, and will certainly record some of the less pleasant but equally entertaining side of my new role as a dad. However, the main intention is to prove that those with ‘all this to come’ have a world of awesomeness ahead of them.

Thanks for dropping in for this first post, and keep an eye out for the future adventures of a new dad and his family! Please feel free to comment your experiences of when someone has uttered those well-intentioned but often patronising words!

TOTS100 - UK Parent Blogs

3 thoughts on ““You’ve Got All This To Come…”

  1. Great blog Adam…there is certainly a ‘world of awesomeness’ ahead for you, Lucy and Beatrice šŸ˜ƒ I’m looking forward to hear all about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great progress in the competition so far Adam, looking forward to hearing the medal count in due course. Is ‘battle of wills’ an event? Usually a gripping competition, as babies, with little or no training often give the adult-thletes a darned good challenge. B already has a huge advantage, being tiny, cute, gorgeous etc.etc., so watch out for that curveball.
    Great blog!


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