Beacember Advent Calendar Day #22

It turns out scheduling posts is a very handy feature indeed, and allowed me to spend uninterrupted time with my favourite duo yesterday (even if both Lucy and I both checked in at 6pm to see if it had gone live…).

We discovered yesterday that the ‘chunky wheels & tread for off road adventures’ didn’t quite live up to their name. Whilst we generally love our Armadillo travel system (Mamas and Papas, we’re more than happy to try out more of your products!), it wasn’t quite ready for the mud we ploughed through yesterday morning! In 2015, we completed 50 walks around Norfolk and decided to relive a bit of one of them for our anniversary, this time with added cake and treat lunch. We started at Kerri’s tearooms, and then moved onto the lovely Dial House in Reepham to round off our walk.

Then it was back home for a bit of a play, followed by a Christmas movie and a quiet evening with Lucy.

The photo yesterday was a glimpse into what will hopefully become a tradition in our house. It’s a recipe/ingredients for cookies for Father Christmas! I love biscuits, and obviously whilst most of the treats we’ll make will go to FC himself, he’ll need a local taster to do quality control checks.

Two posts left on our first ever Beacember adventure, what’s left behind the penultimate door?


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